Do you know you don't actually see with your eyes?

Yes you are not mistaken,  you don't see with your eyes! . Welcome to another edition of facts.

  1. It has been confirmed that we don't see with our eyes. Instead, we see with our brain. The eyes basically are the camera of the brain. One-quarter of the brain is used to control the eyes. 
  2. Those stars and colours you see when you close and rub your eyes  are called phosphenes. 
  3. The the average lifespan of a tornado is less than 15 minutes.  
  4. Chewing gum while peeling onions will keep you from crying. 
  5. For beer commercials, they add liquid detergent to the beer 🍻 to make it foam more (weird?). 
  6. Men laugh longer, louder and more often than women. 
  7. Ducks were once wild until they were domesticated by the Chinese many hundred  years ago. 
  8. A female mackerel lays 500,000 eggs at a time. 
  9. The tongue is the strongest muscle in the human body. 
  10. Russia celebrate Christmas 🎄  twice a year; December 25 and January 7

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