How to have a successful interview (1)

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Start preparing as early as possible: Larger corporations will generally contact you to schedule an interview weeks or about a month before the interview will occur. You should spend this whole time prepping so that you're comfortable and knowledgeable going into the interview. Be ready to ask the right kind of questions--and also, to respond well to any questions that will come your way.

  • Do your research. Research the company and specifically the job description and how it fits in the particular business unit or department. Get as much background information as you can to show your abilities for doing the job responsibilities and duties--so that you won't get caught speechless, if you're asked to talk about how you work and handle fellow employees, any client contacts, and disciplinary issues (and even more so, if you will be a supervisor, manager or teacher, etc).
  • Also use internet search engines to research corporate officers who you know or think will be interviewing you. If you're having trouble finding people and information, try Linkedin. Use it as your career networking site for helping you build professional connections.
Get help from others. Don't prepare for a job interview by yourself. There are some valuable resources that can help you along your way to ask for help:
  • Seek out experts
  • . Find yourself a mentor and/or an alumni from your university currently working in your desired career. Talk to them and get an inside scoop. Ask for advice. Career Business Discussion Boards is a good website you can use to connect with such people.
  • Find a friend who is also preparing
  •  for a job interview. Interview each other so that you get comfortable with the verbal and social aspects of the interview. You can also tell each other your anecdotal stories/examples of your strengths, etc. that you're considering for the interview. Ask him or her what each story portrays about you, and use the feedback to choose the ones that best represent the parts of yourself that you want to illustrate and "sell" nicely to the interviewer.
Write answers to the basic questions that you expect to be asked. Though an interview always has the potential to surprise you, there are a series of basic questions that you'll tend to see in an interview, so it's best to be prepared to answer them thoroughly and honestly before you walk into the interview. Don't look like you're caught off guard or like you haven't spent any time actually thinking about the job responsibilities. Compose good answers to key questions that you will probably be asked:
  • What are your strengths? (For example: a teacher or supervisor/management applicant needs to have a philosophy of progressive discipline and having only a few Rules, but plan to teach as "procedures" as needed/when needed.) Can you give us a concrete example to illustrate them?
  • What are your weaknesses? (Neither give many bad faults nor say "I have none or one.", as if you've never made a mistake. Because this will make you look like you're dishonest and full of yourself.)
  • Why do you want to do this work/for this company? Why do you think you'd be a good fit?
  • What are your long term career goals (such as training and certifications you want)?
  • What was the biggest professional challenge you've ever solved/faced? How did you tackle it?
  • Are you good at working in teams and sharing your better ideas? Can you provide an example of your strong team work?
  • Why are you choosing to leave your present company? (If you're currently employed elsewhere, be honest about wanting to leave without being overly negative or talking bad about your employer. You should be respectful of management at all times.)
Write down and practice at least three questions to ask the interviewer, showing how much you care about this kind to work. These should not be things that can be easily discovered through simple research (learn long before the hiring interview about the expected pay range and company benefits such as profit sharing plan, etc., as this interview is not the time for that). Think about what you want to know about the specific company, and what your responsibilities and opportunities will be there. Remember that an interview goes both ways, and that you have to show that you're very interested in this company; say very rapidly, "I love this opportunity". Then, you want them to know that you really care--so ask your great questions. Your three or four serious questions might include the following points:
  • Asking about "room for growth" within the company shows commitment. Sure, you're applying for a specific position, but you can show that you plan to stick around for the long haul.
  • Asking nicely about "who I'll be working with most closely" can show social skills and good attitudes. "I am very interested in the people I'll be most often interacting with in the company." This can help you show that you're a good fit the job. It may turn out you would be spending a lot of your time working with one of the interviewers or a company officer that you may be able to meet on that day, and you can show them how they will like you, and you them. Be courteous and show that you are nice and happy to meet them
  • Say, "This is great." I'm impressed." "I really like this company/love this department", etc.--if you get to meet some people in the offices, sales and shop, etc. Show gratitude and happiness at this opportunity--not embarrassment or shyness. Make acquaintances/friends (confidently), but don't overdo it, not mushy or sappy!
  • Asking for more information about one or two of the toughest (most important) tasks that are part of the job description will show that you've closely read the job description. Now you are revealing what your daily life and contributions at the company will look like.
Make sure you are dressed appropriately. Your wardrobe is a sign of your professionalism and is sometimes used to gauge your level of experience and competence. When your coworkers and customers look at you, they should immediately feel comfortable working with you. So, dress as casually or formally as is appropriate, in a professional style for this line of work, a dark suit and conservative necktie for a man--jacket and modest skirt for a woman--is good, even if you will work in a uniform or blue jeans. You can show them that you do look good when you should.
  • Show up a little early with have everything you need (30 minutes is good) to not be late, dashing about, rumpled and possibly breathless and upset. Carry a nice portfolio/expanding folder, containing loose leaf paper and extra copies of your resume. Make sure to also bring a couple of pens and pencils so that you can jot down notes. Be prepared with a pen and paper, if you're asked for one.
Leave your calculator and gum at home. If you absolutely need to bring your cell phone, make sure it's completely powered off before you go into the interview.
  • Do not bring anyone with you to the interview, unless they drop you off and wait at a coffee-shop nearby.
  • Do not roll into the interview with your cup of Starbucks. This shows that you're taking a much-too casual approach or that you're too inexperienced.
(culled from wikihow)

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